Name of the Association
Article 1: The name of the association is “FILM AND STAGE DESIGN TEAM ASSOCIATION”. FST is used as the short name.
Center of the Association
Article 2: The headquarters of the association is in Istanbul. The association may open representative offices at home and abroad.
Purpose of the Association
Item 3: FST keeps the following key objectives in mind when executing its activities.
By bringing together the design teams working in the field of Film and Performing Arts under the same roof, in line with the common principles, professional and ethical values to be established.
To work to improve the working conditions of the members and to protect and develop their rights and interests.
Activity Subjects and Field
Article 4: In line with the stated aims of the association;
It prepares directives and regulations that will serve the purposes by forming working groups.
It works to inform its members and the public.
It can cooperate and create platforms with domestic and foreign private and official institutions, universities, professional organizations, foundations, associations, unions, unions and similar organizations.
Workshops, forums, exhibitions, talks, etc., in connection with universities and professional institutions. regulates.
It carries out activities that will ensure the exchange of information and experience among its members on professional issues and increase the professional competence of its members. In this direction, it works for the establishment and establishment of occupational standards.
It takes initiatives to improve, develop and protect the working conditions and rights of its members and to establish standards.
It takes a stand against all kinds of mobbing, harassment and discrimination in the workplace.
It becomes a party to administrative and legal disputes that may arise in matters concerning the association and all of its members, and files a lawsuit to protect the rights of its members. Participates in cases as an intervening party and appoints a proxy for such legal proceedings.
It acts as an arbitrator and mediator for the resolution of disputes that may arise between its members with each other or with other real and legal persons in the sector, without resorting to a judicial remedy,
Provides legal support when necessary,
It aims to actively participate in law-making activities by producing legal texts and ideas before and after all kinds of legal changes that directly concern the sector and its members.
Right to Become a Member
Article 5: According to the conditions stipulated by the Associations Law, real persons who accept the aims and principles of the association, who do not have any legal obstacles, can become members of the association. Foreign real persons must have a residence permit in Turkey in order to become a member. This condition does not apply to honorary membership.
Membership Types and Conditions
Article 6: The association has three types of membership.
Principal Member: Those working in design teams in the field of Film and Performing Arts can become principal members of the association. With the decision of the board of directors, criteria for membership (such as having worked for a certain period of time) can be set. These criteria are specified in the application form.
Honorary Member: Real persons who contribute materially and morally to the association and can be beneficial to the activities of the association become honorary members with the decision of the board of directors. They do not have the right to vote and be elected. They do not have to pay dues.
Honorary Member: Honorary membership can be granted to real persons who have helped and contributed to the association/sector upon the proposal of the board of directors and the decision of the absolute majority of the members. They do not have the right to vote and be elected. They do not have to pay dues.
Membership Transactions
Article 7: To become a principal and honorary member of the association; Application can be made by submitting the completed application form together with two (2) photographs to the board of directors of the association or by sending it via e-mail.
The board of directors decides on the application within 30 days at the latest and notifies the candidate via e-mail. The member whose application is accepted is recorded in the book kept for this purpose.
Article 8: Members can leave the association at any time, provided that they notify in writing. Resignation from membership does not end the accumulated debts of the member to the association.
Article 9: In case of detection of one of the situations listed below; The relevant member can be removed from membership with the decision of the board of directors.
Acting in violation of the association's bylaws,
Not complying with the decisions and principles taken by the authorized bodies of the association regarding the purpose of the association and their implementation,
To make all kinds of negative publications against the association,
Having lost the necessary conditions for membership, which are regulated in the statute and relevant legislation,
Failure to pay the membership fee for six months without an excuse.
Objection to Expulsion from Membership
Article 10: Those who have been expelled from membership may object in writing within 15 days from the notification date of the dismissal decision through the board of directors.
This objection of the member is submitted to the approval of the principal members and final decision is made.
Those who leave or are expelled from the association are deleted from the member registry and cannot claim rights on the assets of the association.
Removal from membership does not end the accumulated debts of the member to the association.
Organs of the Association
Article 11. The bodies of the association are listed below.
General Assembly
Board of Directors
supervisory board
ethics committee
Association General Assembly
Article 12. The General Assembly is the most authorized decision-making body of the association. consists of principal members. Other members can attend the general assembly as guests without voting rights.
General Assembly Meeting Time
Article 13. The general assembly convenes every three years ordinarily in October.
General assembly, other than the ordinary meeting; In cases deemed necessary by the board of directors and supervisors or upon the written request of one fifth of the members of the association, an extraordinary meeting is called by the board of directors within thirty days at the latest.
If the board of directors does not call the general assembly meeting; Upon the application of one of the members, the local magistrate appoints a three-person committee from among the members of the association to convene the general assembly.
Right to Participate in the General Assembly
Article 14: In order for the member to attend the general assembly, the member must not have any dues and/or participation fees for the previous year.
General Assembly Call Procedure
Article 15: The board of directors prepares the list of members who have the right to attend the general assembly according to the association's charter.
Members to attend the general assembly are invited to the meeting at least 15 days in advance, by specifying the day, time, place and agenda, via e-mail messages and social media accounts. In the same call, if the meeting cannot be held due to the lack of a majority in the first meeting, the day, time and place of the second meeting is also specified. Between the first meeting day and the second meeting, less than seven days and more than sixty days cannot be left.
The meeting may be postponed for any reason other than the lack of a majority. In this case, the call for the first meeting is announced to the members who will attend the general assembly in accordance with the procedure, by stating the reasons for the postponement. The second meeting must be held within six months from the date of adjournment. Members are called to the second meeting by the same method as in the first meeting.
The general assembly meeting cannot be postponed more than once.
General Assembly Meeting Place
Article 16: The general assembly meetings of the association are held on the date, time and place to be determined and announced by the board of directors.
General Assembly Meeting Procedure
Article 17: The general assembly convenes with the participation of the absolute majority of the members who have the right to attend, and two-thirds of the members in the event of a bylaw change or the dissolution of the association.
If a sufficient number is not provided in the first meeting, the majority in the second meeting is not sought. However, the number of members attending this second meeting cannot be less than twice the total number of the principal members of the board of directors and the supervisory board.
The list of members entitled to attend the general assembly is made available at the meeting place. The members whose names are on the list enter the meeting place by showing their identities to the persons to be appointed by the board of directors.
If the meeting quorum is met; The meeting is opened by the chairman of the board of directors or one of the board members to be appointed. If the meeting quorum is not met, a minute is drawn up by the board of directors.
After the opening, a chairman, a vice chairman and a sufficient number of clerks are elected to manage the meeting, and a council committee is formed. The management of the meeting belongs to the chairman of the council. The clerks draw up the minutes of the meeting and sign it together with the chairman.
In the voting to be held for the election of the organs of the association, it is obligatory for the voting members to show their identities to the council committee and to sign opposite their names on the list of attendees.
In the general assembly, only the items on the agenda are discussed. However, it is obligatory to include on the agenda the issues that are requested in writing to be discussed by at least one tenth of the members present at the meeting.
At the end of the meeting, the minutes and other documents are delivered to the board of directors. The Chairman of the Board of Directors is responsible for preserving these documents and delivering them to the newly elected Board of Directors within seven days.
Voting and Decision-Making Procedures of the General Assembly
Article 18: Unless otherwise decided in the general assembly; The voting is done openly by a method to be determined by the chairman of the council.
If secret voting is to be carried out, the papers or ballot papers sealed by the meeting chairman are thrown into an empty container after the members do what is necessary, and the result is determined by making an open list after the end of the voting.
General assembly resolutions are taken by the absolute majority of the members attending the meeting. However, the decisions to change the bylaws and dissolution of the association can be taken with a two-thirds majority of the participating members.
Decisions Taken Without Meeting or Call
The decisions taken by the written participation of all members without coming together and the decisions taken by the members of the association by meeting or holding a meeting in electronic environment without complying with the call procedure written in this charter are valid.
Decisions taken are sent in writing to all members.
Taking a decision in this way does not replace the ordinary general assembly meeting.
Duties and Powers of the General Assembly
Article 19: The following matters are discussed and resolved by the general assembly.
Selection of association bodies,
Changing the bylaws of the association,
Discussing the reports of the board of directors and the supervisory board, acquitting the board of directors and the supervisory board,
Discussing and accepting the budget prepared by the board of directors as it is or by changing it,
Authorizing the board of directors to purchase immovable properties required for the association or to sell existing immovable properties,
The association's participation in higher unions and organizations such as associations, foundations, federations with similar purposes, joining or leaving as a founder, authorizing the board of directors for participation fees and payment issues,
Deciding on the opening of representative offices in the country and abroad and authorizing the board of directors to carry out the relevant transactions,
The association's international activities, joining or leaving as a member with associations or organizations abroad,
dissolution of the association,
Examining and deciding on the objections made against the decisions of the board of directors regarding the rejection of membership or expulsion from membership,
Establishment of ballot boxes for association members,
Opening a local for the members of the association,
Establishment of the association's economic enterprise,
Examining and accepting the regulations to be prepared by the board of directors regarding the activities of the association, as it is or by changing it,
Determining the wages to be given to the chairman and members of the board of directors and auditing boards who are not public officials, as well as all kinds of allowances, travel allowances and compensations, and the daily and travel allowances to be given to the members to be assigned for the services of the association,
Foundation of the association
Examining and deciding on other suggestions of the board of directors,
Fulfillment of other duties specified by the general assembly in the relevant legislation.
Composition of the Board of Directors
Article 20: The board of directors is elected by the general assembly as seven (7) principal and five (5) substitute members from among the principal members for a period of 3 years.
At the first meeting after the election, the board of directors determines the president, vice president, secretary, treasurer and members by distribution of duties.
Provided that all members of the Board of Directors are informed, a meeting can be called at any time and it is convened with the participation of one more than half of the total number of members.
Decisions are taken by the absolute majority of the total number of members.
If there is a vacancy in the main board of directors due to resignation or other reasons, it is obligatory to call the substitute members for duty in the order of the majority of votes they received in the general assembly.
Duties and Authorities of the Board of Directors
Article 21: The duties and powers of the board of directors are as follows:
To represent the Association or to authorize one or more of its members in this regard, to establish auxiliary boards, to determine their duties and authorities,
To make transactions regarding the income and expense accounts of the association and to prepare the budget for the next period and present it to the general assembly,
Preparing the regulations regarding the activities of the association and submitting them to the approval of the general assembly,
Purchasing immovable property, selling movable and immovable properties belonging to the association, having a building or facility constructed, making a lease agreement, establishing a pledge, mortgage or real rights in favor of the association, with the authorization given by the general assembly,
To implement the decisions taken in the general assembly,
At the end of each activity year, to prepare the business account statement or balance sheet and income statement of the association and the report explaining the work of the board of directors, to present it to the general assembly when it convenes,
Ensuring the implementation of the budget,
To decide on the admission or expulsion of members from the association,
Recruiting personnel in line with the needs of the Association,
To take and implement all kinds of decisions within the scope of its authority in order to realize the objectives of the Association,
Establishing advisory boards, working groups or sub-committees to carry out studies in line with the objectives of the Association,
To perform other duties and to use the authorities given to him by the legislation,
Supervisory Board and its Duties
Article 22: The supervisory board is formed by the general assembly by electing 3 principal and 3 substitute members for a period of three years.
It is responsible for supervising whether the works and transactions of the board of directors and the activities of the association are carried out in accordance with the objectives determined in the statute.
The supervisory board performs its supervisory duties at intervals not exceeding one year.
The supervisory board may present its thoughts and criticisms regarding the problems in the accounting affairs of the association or the financial situation of the association to the board of directors in writing, or may attend the meetings of the board of directors when necessary and express their opinions.
The supervisory board reports to the general assembly on the activities of the association at the end of each term.
The supervisory board may request that the general assembly be called for a meeting when necessary.
Ethics Committee and its Duties
Article 23: The ethics committee consists of 3 principal and 3 substitute members elected for three years at the general assembly. It carries out its activities based on the professional and ethical principles guidelines of the Association.
In order to determine the common values of the members of the association, it makes implementation-oriented decisions and submits them to the approval of the members.
Evaluates the violation complaints received by the Board and conveys them in writing to the Board of Directors and the parties.
When it deems necessary, it informs all members through a meeting or in writing.
It mediates between the parties in disputes that may arise between the members of the association.
It examines the situations that require expulsion from the membership of the association specified in article 9 of the association's by-laws and submits a report to the board of directors.
If, in its evaluations, it concludes that there is any violation, it recommends the application of one of the following disciplinary sanctions to the board of directors.
Suspension of membership
expulsion from the association
An ethics committee member can be dismissed at the written request of two-thirds of the members.
Representative Offices
Article 24: The association may open representative offices with the decision of the general assembly in order to carry out the activities of the association where it deems necessary. The address of the representative office is notified in writing to the local administrative authority by the person or persons appointed as the representative by the decision of the board of directors. Representatives may not be represented in the General Assembly.
Article 25: The incomes of the association are as follows;
Member Fees: Membership fees and monthly dues are taken from the members. The Board of Directors is authorized to determine their amounts and to increase or decrease these amounts. The Board of Directors notifies the members of its decision on this matter.
Economic Business Revenues:
Income from activities such as publications made by the association, lotteries, balls, entertainment, performances, concerts, competitions, conferences and seminars.
Income from the assets of the association.
Earnings from commercial business activities undertaken by the Association in order to provide the income it needs to realize its purpose.
Donations and aids that real and legal persons voluntarily make to the association and that will be collected in accordance with the provisions of the legislation on aid collection.
Other income
Procedure for Income and Expenses
Article 26: Income and expense documents;
Association revenues are collected with a receipt, bank receipt or bank statement.
The expenses of the association are made with expenditure documents such as invoice, retail sales receipt, self-employment receipt.
The retention period of these documents is 5 years, without prejudice to the provisions regarding the longer period specified in special laws.
The officials who will collect donations, aids and dues are determined by the decision of the board of directors and authorization certificates are issued for a period of time. These persons, who will collect income on behalf of the association, can only start collecting income after a copy of the authorization documents issued in their name is submitted to the Provincial Directorate of Associations.
The principal members of the board of directors can collect income without a certificate of authorization.
Books and Records
Article 27: The books and records that the association must keep are determined according to the Associations Regulation. These books must be approved by the Provincial Directorate of Associations or notary public.
Borrowing Procedure of the Association
Article 28: In order to realize its purpose and carry out its activities, the association may borrow with the decision of the board of directors, provided that the written approval of the absolute majority of the members is obtained via e-mail. This borrowing can be in the purchase of goods and services on credit, or it can be done in cash. However, this borrowing cannot be made in amounts that cannot be covered by the income sources of the association and in a way that will make the association insolvent.
Submitting a Declaration
Article 29: After the “Association Statement” presented in Annex-21 of the Associations Regulations is approved by the board of directors, it is given to the relevant local authority by the president of the association within the first four months of each calendar year.
Inner control
Article 30: Internal audits can be carried out by the general assembly, the board of directors or the supervisory board of the association, as well as by independent audit firms. The fact that an audit has been carried out by the general assembly, the board of directors or independent audit firms does not remove the obligation of the audit board.
Internal Regulation
Article 31: In cases where there is not enough clarity in the charter of the association, internal regulations to be put into effect by preparing single or separate texts and passing the approval of the members can be made in order to complete this deficiency, to guide and assist the members, association bodies and officials in all the activities of the association.
Bylaw Amendment
Article 32: Bylaw changes can only be made with the decision of the general assembly.
Two-thirds of the members who have the right to attend the general assembly are required to make changes to the bylaws in the general assembly.
In case the meeting is postponed due to lack of majority, majority is not sought in the second meeting. However, the number of members attending this meeting cannot be less than twice the total number of members of the board of directors and supervisory board.
In both meetings, the majority of the decisions required for the bylaw change is two-thirds of the votes of the members attending the meeting and having the right to vote.
Dissolution and Liquidation of the Association
Article 33: The general assembly of the association can always decide to dissolve the association.
The affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members who have the right to attend the general assembly is required in order to discuss the termination issue at the general assembly.
In case the meeting is postponed due to lack of majority, majority is not sought in the second meeting. However, the number of members attending this meeting cannot be less than twice the total number of members of the board of directors and supervisory board. The majority of the decision required for the termination decision to be taken is two-thirds of the votes of the members attending the meeting and having the right to vote.
Liquidation Procedures When the dissolution decision is made by the general assembly, the liquidation of the money, property and rights of the association is carried out by the liquidation board, which consists of the last members of the board of directors. These transactions start from the date of the general assembly decision regarding the termination or the date when the automatic termination becomes final.
During the liquidation period, the phrase "Film and Stage Design Teams Association in Liquidation" is used in the name of the association.
All money, property and rights remaining after the collection of receivables and payment of debts are transferred to the place determined in the general assembly. If the place to be transferred is not determined in the general assembly, it is transferred to a non-governmental organization or foundation that has the closest aim to the purpose of the association.
Following the completion of the liquidation and transfer procedures of the money, property and rights of the association, the situation must be notified to the civil authority of the place where the headquarters of the association is located by the liquidation board within seven days, and the liquidation report must be attached to this letter.
Lack of Provision
Article 34: The provisions of the Law on Associations, the Turkish Civil Code and the Regulations on Associations issued with reference to these laws and other relevant legislation on associations are applied in matters not specified in this charter.
This statute consists of 34 (thirty-four) articles.